Why are women angrier than men? With the spouses in particular.
I decided to have a little fun with this subject and sent this question to a few women. I wanted to know if it was a false observation or perhaps, a thought that had a crossed the minds of women. The responses I got were both interesting and concerning. Interesting and hilarious in that, some women perceived men as overgrown babies that you can't help but squeal at occasionally. It was also concerning because some expressed frustration and disappointment in their spouses non-support, hence a tendency to snap at the littlest issue. Below is a rephrased version of some responses I got: Women are often angrier because... Half the time, they are either scolding or cautioning the kids and basically see their spouses as an extension of the kids. In terms of the chores, the woman does basically everything and worse, some men have no idea what she is dealing with and even trivializes her efforts. A typical day in my life as a woman involves: waking up early, ensuring the ...