Back with a bang!

Kudos to working moms! Well working parents in general because I have realized some fathers are very much hands on at home despite their busy work schedules! Helping out with the chores, preparing meals, caring for the kids or simply putting the house in order. I have been quiet because I became actively and fully employed! At first, I thought it was going to be easy to joggle. 
Jumping up early in the morning (which I hadn't done for a while), getting my toddler ready for daycare, preparing and packing his meals, dropping him off, driving to and from the office which is in another city, being productive at the office (in a field completely new to me-IT & business continuity), heading back home to prepare dinner, tidying up and then get ting ready for bed. I was completely worn out after the first few weeks of joggling this routine that I kept day-dreaming about winning the powerball, so I could quit working completely! Well, I still dream about winning it even though I never play!
But as with any activity that you set your mind to, keep at or seek some assistance, it soon becomes a fluid process that you start to feel like a pro at it. I have now mastered the routine that it doesn't feel so strenuous anymore...of course I have a supportive husband too! I am now considering squeezing in other activities & hobbies over the weekend like doing some writing, reading, learning a game of chess or playing snooker for a rounded lifestyle. 
So to any one out there that is worried about taking on new responsibilities or stretching beyond your assumed limits, I am pretty sure you will figure it out like I did!
I hope you share your experiences on how you joggled a task that seemed insurmountable in the comment section.
Boat cruise with colleagues!

Sunny day out with schoolmates!


  1. Mum's are to be called Wonder Women! We call it "Multi-tasking"... Waking up as early as 4:30am and sleeping for the night at 12:00am.. The whole day is filled with several activities and for some days it would include church activities alongside home and work.
    A typical woman is a wife, mother, employee/employer/proprietor, cook, laundry woman, home/ cleaning services, gardener, lesson teacher, coach, playmate, friend, sister, & driver..
    In all these we still need to squeeze in those personal things we love to do so we don't live other's lives and forget ours... Doing my favorite things makes me feel happy and relaxed.
    Kudos to all the working mums! Great Job!

    1. Well said Ayo. Women need to devise ways to enjoy themselves amidst their daily crazy schedules!


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