Why are women angrier than men? With the spouses in particular.

I decided to have a little fun with this subject and sent this question to a few women. I wanted to know if it was a false observation or perhaps, a thought that had a crossed the minds of women.
The responses I got were both interesting and concerning. Interesting and hilarious in that, some women perceived men as overgrown babies that you can't help but squeal at occasionally. It was also concerning because some expressed frustration and disappointment in their spouses non-support, hence a tendency to snap at the littlest issue.
Below is a rephrased version of some responses I got: 

Women are often angrier because...

  • Half the time, they are either scolding or cautioning the kids and basically see their spouses as an extension of the kids.
  • In terms of the chores, the woman does basically everything and worse, some men have no idea what she is dealing with and even trivializes her efforts.
  • A typical day in my life as a woman involves: waking up early, ensuring the housemaid is up and started on the morning routine. Crosscheck the kids' homework in the morning if I was unable to do so the night before. Give them a shower and get them dressed. Pack or ensure their lunch or any other school requests are packed. Make breakfast or ensure they grab something to eat. Drop them off at school before I proceed to the office. A typical day in my husband's life however: wakes up, browses through his phone, takes a shower, grabs breakfast and heads to the office. I am even ok with doing all the chores but I guess some acknowledgement and appreciation will go along way.
  • Women are probably a bit more expressive emotionally and verbally. That's one of the reasons we are known to nag. We speak up when we are not comfortable with some situations and delegate chores when required. For me, acknowledgement is not enough (even though it is important). I will appreciate some hands-on support so I don't have to carry too much burden.
  • Generally speaking, I think it is often from disappointment with unmet expectations. Not only chores related. I believe most women get married or have partners, expecting to have a personal superhero. And being a hormonal and emotional creature, we find it difficult to hide our disappointment.
  • My opinion is that, there is a lot of pressure on a woman. Pressure to be a good wife, mom, daughter, employee, citizen etc. As a result, she can't always keep her cool especially with the spouse she expects some kind of non-judgmental support from.
  • I am not very comfortable with expressing my feelings especially because I expect my spouse to know what is important. So I get frustrated and disappointed when he pretends not to.
  • Don't be deceived, men know what to do to support, but selfishly hide behind culture and work...who wouldn't? Cultivate the attitude of delegating, asking or screaming for help if you have to.
  • I think women are angrier because they are emotional and remembering. Men however detach easily when angry and withdraw into their caves. Women don't forget wrongs and it creeps up in her subsequent actions and responses.
  • LOL....well, maybe because women go through so many hormonal changes that her emotions and actions get all mixed up! From menstruation, to pregnancy to menopause. A man will be frustrated too if his internal and external environments are not in sync.
  • I think its because women love more deeply than men. You are usually angry with the person you love.
A whole lot have been said by these wonderful women and I am sure there are still more thoughts to learn from out there. Feel free to share in the comment's section. I am going to conclude with my own thoughts. 
Personalities also have a play in a woman expressing anger (often or not). Some are more comfortable with bottling things up and withdrawing until there is no common ground between her and her spouse. Some others are quite verbal and will snap at every displeasure. In general however, women aren't just hormonal creatures with misplaced emotional outbursts. The different reactions are a cry for support and partnership from their spouses.


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