
Showing posts from 2015

Is asking for help a sign of weakness or strength?

I heard a sad story of a relative who passed away recently after much struggle financially, emotionally and physically. She had been going through some challenges but decided to keep to herself rather than reach out to family and friends who could help. Now, before we become judgmental, she is an introvert. Very hard working and quite diligent hence she liked to sort issues out on her own. She needed very little to be contented and tried very hard to live within her means. But over the years, responsibilities piled up on her and the person she decided to trust for some emotional and financial support literally worsened her situation by taking the little she had and broke her heart. For an introvert, this must have been really hard to swallow seeing that introverts internalize issues and find it very hard to share their problems. As the days and months went by, it became more stressful and lonely yet she kept struggling rather than reaching out. She, like many others out there wou...

How wealthy are ‘you’?

*Knowledge *Observation *Creativity *Experience Wealth of Ideas and Information ((Courtesy: Mahara Tucker) We gather information and ideas in different ways, subtly or obviously. Some are ardent readers, while some others enjoy gathering ideas from extroverted platforms. A few rely on their intuitions and some others draw conclusions from observations. However information is gathered, some learning occurs provided we open our minds to the process. I recently listened to a speech made to the graduating students of Wellesley College, Massachusetts by the Award winning writer: Chimamanda Adichie and something interesting got me thinking & formed the basis for my write up. She said she was invited to deliver a speech at a European Feminist Event where she was to highlight how a past famous feminist had influenced her views. Now, before the invitation, she said she had struggled with completely reading any of the  literature  written by the feminist let alone catego...

Priceless! The joy of motherhood.

I used to think it was overrated when mothers said you forget all the labor pains and pregnancy woes when you see the face of your newborn. I am a new mom and can confirm that they are definitely right! You forget all the drama and imperfections around you and are filled with so much joy & contentment at the sight of that little one! Now, there are often mixed feelings when you hold your newborn in your arms for the first time especially if it's your first. From the little fears of holding the baby right to the big task of breastfeeding and sleepless nights. Some women even slip into depression under the pressure because truthfully, life as you knew it is never the same after the baby arrives. Sometimes you wish you had some lone times to do the things you loved such as sleeping in, going to the movies, going on impromptu vacations, strolling aimlessly around the malls and many more but the needs of your little one trumps any desire you may have. All it takes is it to l...

Are you a fool?

"Like the useless legs of one who is lame; so are wise words from the mouth of fools (Proverbs 26:7)" Some lame disabilities are depicted by inactive limbs that have lost their sensation for movement. They cannot function for walking even though they are physically in place. Such legs/limbs are useless to the ones who own them because they can’t move them around. In the same vein, speaking intelligent babbles and acting contrary is useless. Those words cannot impact the lives of the ones saying them let alone those that hear them. I was inspired by this proverb to write this short piece on being a fool. I believe the proverb is a simile that best describes the perception of some famous Nigerians whose boisterous behaviors continuously plague the identity of the Nation...both home & abroad. Let me start by defining the term ‘fool’ even though we already know and use it a lot! Oxford dictionary defines a fool as 'a silly person or a person who lacks good ...

‘Perfect will’ of God for our lives…Illusion or Reality?

How often do we approach life without a clue of what we  want  to happen in our lives? That is our Careers, Family/Marriage, Education, Social Interactions, Religious orientation etc. I would say…hardly ever! What influences your decisions? Even for the indecisive, slow-thinking lot, we all have certain expectations of our lives and certain outcomes we will never settle for. We have been raised with many norms which have shaped our thinking and informed our pursuits therefore we subtly want to accomplish certain milestones based on our upbringing. For example, you will hardly find (not that it doesn’t happen) an individual pursue to become an entertainer or dancer if he comes from a family/background of Lawyers, Doctors and Professors. Does following in the path of our family influences mean we are living out the ‘perfect will of God’? Some of us are relatively ‘religious/spiritual’ and so study the Holy Books to gather some knowledge on what we should or should ...

Introducing 'Funmile' & 'Expressiveminds'

Hello peeps, I have always wondered what blogging was all about and why people would be interested in reading another person's thoughts or experiences but here I am starting a blog! But rather than making it a go to place for gossips or information, I want my blog to be a place of interactive a sharing community where different views to different issues are brought to bare.  Now, I will set the scene or introduce the topic of discourse but I hope it stimulates your interest to make contributions and hopefully provide solutions to people that need them. I have traveled quite a bit...on holidays and for education and truly learnt that people are really diverse! Their thoughts, experiences, values and expectations completely alien from mine! I'm not saying this in the generic way people do, but in actual amazement and appreciation of the fact that we all do not and cannot interpret issues the same way!  There is actually a lot to learn from being op...