Back with a bang!
Kudos to working moms! Well working parents in general because I have realized some fathers are very much hands on at home despite their busy work schedules! Helping out with the chores, preparing meals, caring for the kids or simply putting the house in order. I have been quiet because I became actively and fully employed! At first, I thought it was going to be easy to joggle. Jumping up early in the morning (which I hadn't done for a while), getting my toddler ready for daycare, preparing and packing his meals, dropping him off, driving to and from the office which is in another city, being productive at the office (in a field completely new to me-IT & business continuity), heading back home to prepare dinner, tidying up and then get ting ready for bed. I was completely worn out after the first few weeks of joggling this routine that I kept day-dreaming about winning the powerball, so I could quit working completely! Well, I still dream about winning it even though I...