Parenting in a digital age...Cool or Cold?
As a mom to an amazing, bubbly and often naughty 18 month old, I find myself torn between keeping up with TV shows like new episodes of Scandal or How To Get Away With Murder, the news feeds on Facebook, browsing through amazing posts on Instagram, surfing the internet for relevant information or putting all these aside to spend those cherished moments with my son. Just to enjoy hanging out with him or engaging him. Either by reading to him, kicking a ball around the house, running around with other kids at the Arcade, building Lego blocks or just playing good old peekaboo! It is so tempting to just strap him into his high-chair and thrust him behind a screen playing nursery rhymes all day, part of the perks of the digital age I must say. And then convince myself that they learn a few gestures and words from the rhymes, which in turn aids early communication. But not only does my son and similar kids get bored after a few minute...