Celebrating Single Moms!
From sleepless nights, two hourly feeding, diaper change, special meal preparations, bottle washing, laundry, hospital appointments, engaging in developmental or educational activities to managing a career, doing house chores, grocery shopping and bill payments. The list is endless actually but we pretty much get the picture of the life of a single mom. She switches between roles within the twinkle of an eye. From serving as the father to being a mother, from teacher to listener, scolder to comforter, mom to friend. She barely has quiet moments and rarely has anyone to rely on when she is feeling lazy or sick. She has to constantly remain enthusiastic and energetic for her kids, yet maintain her enthusiasm for her boss and colleagues. She is forced to learn about all subjects, to help her kids with their assignments, including the most dreaded mathematics! She is a seamstress, cook, maid, gardener, driver, instructor, accountant, hair stylist and many more hidden roles. She is ...