Girls’ Lives Matter...#GLM

This is a subject that has always been dear to me because I believe more should be said and done about women under some kind of oppression in this modern age. It could be mental, emotional, physical, sexual, financial, social or otherwise. I want to use this platform to advocate this course with the hope that the world around us will cut the women in their lives some slack on the criticisms, accusations, insults and abuse. It is time to rise up and support them in every way possible because ‘Girls’ Lives Matter’.
Courtesy: UNWomen
Despite landmark agreements like ‘the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and ‘the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), millions of women and girls across the world are still being forced into early marriage, victims of domestic violence, sexually and verbally harassed, treated unfairly compared to men and many more. Even the United Nations has faced serious challenges in its efforts to promote gender equality globally.
This is not another feminist drive, rather a call to action to appreciate and accord women the respect they deserve because only then can they actively be part of the development this world needs. This is a call to ‘Step It Up for Gender Equality’ according to UN Women’s call to action in conjunction with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
So in perspective…
Is it a crime to be female? Is it a heinous occurrence to be delivered of a baby and discover that it is a girl? I mean, is it a punishable incident to be born a girl and should they be treated like animals or insignificant entities that should have no say in the outcome of their lives? In some parts of the world, particularly India and China, having a girl child is a nightmare. Female infanticide still occurs in these parts. For example, a woman kept killing her babies because they were girls. She killed eight in total! Just because she wanted a son so she would have value.
In many cases, a girl is oppressed from childhood. From being deprived of an education, being sexually abused & married off at a very young age, molested and violated in the home, relegated to menial chores & labors, treated as sex symbols that are only good for selling to unequal rights or pay at the work place, in politics or the society as a whole.
Girls are constantly being told what to do, how to live, what is expected of them etc. and strongly condemned should they fall short of any expectation. You are cautioned to be strong even when you are in pain; to laugh even if all you want to do is cry; to be well behaved & upright when all you want to do is loosen up and have some fun; and many more silent rules which are irritably stressed when you fall short of any.
A girl is born and already considered unworthy of her father’s ‘so-called inheritance’ because she will have a change of name in future.
The odds are weighed on the importance of sending her to school, otherwise just make her learn some skills and stay home.
If she gets lucky, she begins an education with no pressure of sending her to the best schools to acquire excellent skills because it is assumed she will not put them to use.
After an education where she may have been sexually harassed for pass marks; she applies for varied job roles and is considered unfit for many roles except positions that are not very tasking or where she can be used as a sales object.
She sets out to pursue her goals and passion in life but is constantly reminded that Marriage & Children are the only valuable goals she should pursue.
She gets married and is cautioned that the wellness of the home, husband & children rests on her and will be blamed if any fails. She is considered the insignificant one that should give up chasing her dreams and constantly mold her life to suit man and society.
She is totally condemned when she makes the same error a man would make at home, work place or in the society and hung out to dry.
She is constantly being checked, tested and weighed and quickly tossed to the curb of unworthiness if found wanting!
I want to implore the few women who have found their voices and risen above the subtle confinements of the society to support other females around them however they can so they can find their voices as well…because all ‘Girls Lives Matter’.
I will be throwing some light on the shadows of oppression some females are going through so you get a better grasp of this #GLM campaign. But I need your support by sharing your stories or experiences so we can gather ideas on how to support and perhaps seek aid for those in need. 
You can also send in success stories to inspire someone else going through a similar situation.
Please email your stories to: and let me know if you want it published as anonymous or with your name.


  1. Yeah...we honestly need to look into the issue with some objectivity and seriousness.


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