
Showing posts from October, 2015

Priceless! The joy of motherhood.

I used to think it was overrated when mothers said you forget all the labor pains and pregnancy woes when you see the face of your newborn. I am a new mom and can confirm that they are definitely right! You forget all the drama and imperfections around you and are filled with so much joy & contentment at the sight of that little one! Now, there are often mixed feelings when you hold your newborn in your arms for the first time especially if it's your first. From the little fears of holding the baby right to the big task of breastfeeding and sleepless nights. Some women even slip into depression under the pressure because truthfully, life as you knew it is never the same after the baby arrives. Sometimes you wish you had some lone times to do the things you loved such as sleeping in, going to the movies, going on impromptu vacations, strolling aimlessly around the malls and many more but the needs of your little one trumps any desire you may have. All it takes is it to l...