On #GLM…It starts with loving yourself!

Courtesy: Play buzz
I read an interesting piece written by Louise Hay titled 'Do you know how to love yourself'? In it she emphasized the importance of self-love over self-hate despite your current condition because love truly holds the key to healing and change.
It sounds like a no-brainer right? I gave this some thought and actually realized that it's easier to focus on our imperfections and blame them for our stagnancy than to love our strengths & use them for our progress.
A lot of people think it is condescending to appreciate themselves, emphasize what they are good at or that it is vain to feel good about themselves but they give no thought to selling themselves short. We actually think we are being modest or keeping it real by pinpointing our failures but have become overpowered by its weight and do not even realize. 
Now, while it is wise to consider your weaknesses, but let it be only for the sake of dealing with them.
So back to loving yourself…despite the circumstances we are going through...
Whether domestic or verbal abuse, sexual harassment, infidelity, health or financial difficulties, being single, childless, being overweight etc. 
We are in charge of our lives and the choice to survive or be devastated rests with us. 
Courtesy: TheNubianPrince8
We often seek external help to scale our fences but the power for total liberation resides in us. 
The healing process and path to change begins with loving yourself. So choose today to love yourself. 
Appreciate your strengths and embrace your peculiarities. Sing your praises because no one else might and applaud your achievements because only then can you build on them.
And one more thing...quit waiting for affirmation from the opposite sex to feel confident. You are wonderfully made by God & trust me...HE makes no mistakes.
For more on learning to love yourself visit this link: 


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