Feeling thankful!
It is a phrase widely used but scarcely manifested else we ought to have more cheerful and helpful people in the world. Being thankful is such an important expression that in the United States, a day has been set aside in the year to just be thankful and spend this time with loved ones. In most churches around the world, at least one Sunday in the month is set aside for giving thanks because its value cannot be overstated. While it is good to honor these set dates and express maximum gratitude on such days, it is more rewarding to be thankful every day, all year round no matter what you are going through. Amy Morin, a psychotherapist wrote in Forbes magazine: ‘Cultivating gratitude doesn’t cost any money and it certainly doesn’t take much time but the benefits are uncountable!’ So, if you are still feeling unthankful …perhaps because you are frustrated with your job, a loved one, your health, your bank account (lol) and so on. Perhaps these few reasons will give you a bump...